Policy Management Software Solutions

Centralize Policy Management for Your GRC Program

You need to maintain a library of your corporate policies and assure policies are renewed and refreshed as regulations, laws, standards and experience dictate. As policies change, you need to assure associated risks, controls and audits are appropriately updated.


Policy Management Software Solutions

Maintain a centralized library of your policies in an organized and logical structure. Maintain information about the policies including policy owners, subject matter experts, review dates and related policies, standards and regulations. With DoubleCheck’s Policy Management software, managers have complete control and management of policies.

Efficient Policy Maintenance

You will be able to understand the schedule for policy renewal, automatically distribute policies to subject matter experts for review and update. You’ll also be able to automate certifications and distribute updated policies. With DoubleCheck’s Policy Management software, automated notifications of updates, renewals, and validations can be easily scheduled.

Link Corporate Policy with Your GRC Program

With powerful cross-linking capabilities you can map policies to related risks, controls or audits. Additionally, you can link policies to external regulations, standards or other third party requirements. With an integrated GRC policy library, you’ll be able to understand and manage policy actions resulting from GRC findings or external changes.

DoubleCheck Policy Management

Maintain Your Corporate Policies and Updates Efficiently and Effectively

Document Your Policies

  • Import your policies in your structure
  • Include additional information and documentation, such as legal interpretations or effective dates
  • Maintain a library of policies or other documents for involved parties to review or use
  • Classify policies by impacted area, organization, source or similar structure
  • Associate policies with processes, risks, accounts, business units as appropriate

Assign Policy Review Responsibility to Appropriate Staff

  • Assign policy renewal responsibility to individuals or groups based on their role
  • Include specific instructions, due dates and other guidance
  • Users will receive notification of work, with a “to-do” list of items to be review and acted upon

Manage Policy Delegations and Responses

  • Users can delegate tasks to others, with instructions and due dates
  • Tasks may be delegated to individuals or groups; responses can be provided by one or more respondents
  • The system will manage notifications and reminders and provide users a workbench where they can see, monitor and act on the review and its associated delegations
  • When individuals or teams declare a delegation is complete, the system will manage the review process, ensuring that all delegates have the opportunity to review and accept or reject the response
  • Management will have a full view to the status of policies at all times, with a view to “who has” and “where is” for every policy

Demonstrate Actions Tied to Policies

  • With these tools, you will be able to demonstrate a clear, reliable process, linking policies with compliance programs, audit or risks
  • When linked to the DoubleCheck Policy Management Solution, specific processes, risks and controls can be linked to the motivating policies, and relationships between control failures and policy can be quickly and easily determined

Report on Policy Activities

  • Use real time dashboards and reports to get a consolidated view of your policy management status and results
  • Filter results for organization or entity specific views
  • Get automatic updates of key information, such as reviews past due
  • Email information in multiple formats, including interactive PDFs, excel files and board-ready reports

For more information, download our Policy Management Software solution details.


DoubleCheck ERM One™

An out-of-the-box tool that delivers an integrated ERM process together with a comprehensive, high-level categorization of exposures (Financial, Core Business, Operational and Strategic), fully loaded with over 60 associated, pre-populated risks to be used as a starting point.